Automatic sliding door parts introduction
With the improvement of people's living standards, automation and intelligence are more and more seeked in our life, such as automatic doors, automatic doors has become a modern consumer dream now. Automatic sliding doors are more and more used in shopping malls, schools, hospitals, hotels and etc.

Let us introduce the information for each parts of automatic sliding door in details today.
General automatic sliding doors include those components, Brushless DC motor, micro control unit, motion sensors, automatic sliding door track, door hangers, belt, and guidance system. We will focus on the various parts of automatic sliding door working principle.
1. Automatic Sliding Door motor, 24v brushless dc motor, is to provide the main power for opening and closing the automatic door, to control the acceleration and deceleration of the operation.
2. Micro Control unit is the entire automatic door command center, is the brain of the automatic sliding door, which commands the program issued by corresponding command to direct the brushless motor work, and the user can adjust the door through the control unit.
3. Motion sensor is responsible for collecting external signals, the same like people's eyes, if a moving object move into the working area, it will give a signal to the control unit.
4. Automatic Sliding Door Track, same like railway track, the main constraint is to follow the door wheel track, it runs in accordance with the original track.
5. Door hangers are used to hang the door leaf and drived by brushless motor with belt.
6. Belt is used to transmit traction power, traction with the automatic door wheel system.
7. Guidance system is used to prevent the door up and down swing.